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Dynamic Pricing

Understanding Dynamic Pricing in RepairPlugin

Stefan Hekman avatar
Written by Stefan Hekman
Updated over a week ago

What is Dynamic Pricing?

With Dynamic Pricing, your repair prices are automatically updated in real-time based on the latest supplier data. As the cost of parts decreases, your repair prices adjust accordingly, ensuring you remain competitive without needing to manually monitor and update prices.

Why Dynamic Pricing is Essential for Your Repair Shop

Pricing your repairs manually is a static process, meaning once you’ve set a price, it remains fixed until you manually update it again. However, the cost of repair parts can fluctuate significantly over time, especially after the initial launch of new products.

But as months go by, the price of these parts often decreases as they become more widely available and less in demand.

Price drop of an iPhone 13 Screen - Pulled over 12 months after launch

If your repair prices remain static, you might end up charging too much for a repair, potentially losing customers to competitors with more current pricing.

Competitive Prices changes of an iPhone 13 Screen - Pulled over 12 months

Does this mean i won't have to manually update the price?

Yes, that’s correct! Once you set your margin, the repair price will automatically update within 30 minutes whenever the purchase price of the product changes, so you won’t need to manually update prices anymore.

How does it work?

RepairPlugin updates the purchase price of parts from suppliers every 60 minutes. You set your desired margin, and RepairPlugin automatically calculates and rounds up the final price, including taxes, for customers.

Example: Appointment iPhone 15 screen - Pulled calculation

Example: More details button: Appointment iPhone 15 screen - Pulled calculation

Connected Suppliers and SKUs

Currently, there are 29,127 products (SKUs) from 6 suppliers, linked across 1,254 models, resulting in 12,000 unique repairs. Each day, more SKUs are connected to repairs, making Dynamic Pricing an essential tool for your successful organization.

Quality of Parts

We categorize all product feeds from suppliers into different quality levels, each linked to Default Repairs. Our data analysts ensure that every Default Repair contains the appropriate quality levels.

  • Official
    Made by the brand's manufacturer.

  • Pulled
    Original part taken from a disassembled device.

  • Refurbished
    Built using pre-owned original and compatible parts.

  • Compatible
    Produced by an independent manufacturer.

Note: Compatible in case of screens are divided in (OLED) and (LCD)

Who benefits from Dynamic Pricing?

  1. Your customers: Consistently accurate pricing on your site.

  2. You and your team: Easy access to real-time prices for in-store inquiries.

  3. Your purchaser: Streamlined buying process based on SKUs.

  4. The industry: Fair pricing for all.

Installation Process

Done in a few minutes

1. Insert License:

Go to: Settings > Dynamic Pricing > License

Insert your license key, don't have one yet? Purchase on here

2. Select Your Suppliers:

Go to: Settings > Dynamic Pricing > Settings

Choose the suppliers you wish to integrate with from the list. Use the on/off toggles to select.

Tip: We recommend connecting as many suppliers as possible to ensure the widest coverage.

3. Manage linking:

Sometimes you may not want certain brands to be purchased from a specific supplier. Use the 'Manage Linking' button to select the categories or brands you don't want to link by unchecking them.

4. Configure Pricing Settings:

Make the necessary adjustments to the settings based on your preferred pricing strategy.​

Which price to consider when part is available through more than one supplier?

Parts will only be considered in the calculation if they are in stock. If a part is out of stock, it will be excluded from the calculation. You can choose between the cheapest in stock, the most expensive in stock, or an average price based on all available in-stock parts.

What if item is not linked or not in stock?

Fallback pricing is the price that will be displayed on your website if a part is not available or if it’s not linked to any supplier data. This ensures that customers still see a price, rather than being met with a “Price on Request” label. Choose whether you want to fallback to a set price like you used before Dynamic Pricing, or allow customers to request a quote first.

You always want to display an accurate price. Setting a fallback price that's too high can negatively impact your conversion rates. However, not showing prices can also hurt conversions, although it increases the likelihood that customers will contact you for more information compared to displaying a high price.

  1. Example 1: A popular smartphone screen is out of stock with all suppliers. You could set a fallback price based on your usual margin, ensuring the price remains competitive.

  2. Example 2: A rare part that’s difficult to source might have a “Price on Request” label, encouraging customers to contact you for a personalized quote.

Round Up Dynamic Price

You can round up prices to make them cleaner and more appealing. Here’s a simple way to understand your options:

  • Example Price: If the calculated price is $95.63, you have several rounding options:

    • Round to the nearest dollar: $96

    • Round to a more appealing price point: $99, $99.95, $99.99, or $100

  • Rounding by Units:

    • 5-unit rounding: Round the price up to the nearest multiple of 5. For example:

      • $92.63 could round to $95

      • $94.95 could round to $95

    • 10-unit rounding: Round the price up to the nearest multiple of 10. For example:

      • $92.63 could round to $100

      • $94.99 could round to $100

Format for last price updated date on Front-End

Every synced price will display an icon next to the repair, indicating the last date it was synchronized. You can choose the date format for this.

Hide repair attribute if no part is available or price is 0

If there is no part or margin connected to a sub-repair, it will normally display a 'Price on Request' label. To prevent this from happening, you can activate this switch.

Example: Switch OFF

Example: Switch ON

Synchronize dynamic pricing data using:

You have the option to synchronize Dynamic Pricing Data either using WordPress or Cronjobs. Here’s a brief overview of both methods:

Option 1: Using Cronjobs (Recommended):

A cronjob is a scheduled task that runs automatically at set intervals. Using a cronjob is the most reliable way to keep your Dynamic Pricing data up-to-date without manual intervention.

Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Why Use a Cronjob?

    • Automatic Updates: Cronjobs ensure that your pricing data is updated automatically, even when no one is visiting your website. This keeps your prices accurate and your website running smoothly.

    • Efficient Performance: Cronjobs run independently of your website, so they won’t slow down your site for visitors.

  2. How to Set Up a Cronjob:

    • Step 1: Go to your hosting control panel (like cPanel, Plesk, etc.).

    • Step 2: Find the Cron Jobs section.

    • Step 3: Create a new cronjob by specifying the command to run and setting the time interval (e.g., every hour).

      • Example Command: This will usually be a URL provided in your Dynamic Pricing settings or a command to run a script on your server.

    • Step 4: Save the cronjob.

  3. Setting the Interval:

    • You’ll typically set the cronjob to run every hour to match the hourly updates from your suppliers. However, you can adjust this depending on how frequently you want the data to be synchronized.

  4. Check If It’s Working:

    • After setting up the cronjob, monitor the Recent Logs in your Dynamic Pricing settings to confirm that the synchronization is happening as scheduled.

  5. Need Help?

    • If you’re unsure about setting up a cronjob, contact your hosting provider for assistance, or use the Intercom support chat widget in the bottom right corner of your screen for help from our support team.

This method operates independently and does not affect your website's performance.

Option 2: Using WordPress:

Alternatively, you can use the built-in WordPress functionality for data synchronization.

  1. Go to the Dynamic Pricing settings.

  2. Select the WordPress option for data synchronization.

  3. Keep in mind that this method only works when there are visitors on your website and may impact site speed.

This method is less efficient as it relies on your website receiving traffic to trigger updates and may slow down your site's performance.

5. Set your Margin:

Default Repairs: To avoid having to go through each model in 'Models & Repairs,' you can set a margin for, for example, all Smartphone Screen Repairs. You can choose to set a default margin for this repair, which will apply to all models within this category.

Go to: RepairPlugin Pro > Default Repairs

Models & Repairs: If you set individual margins through 'Models & Repairs,' this will override the default margin set in 'Default Repairs.'

Go to: RepairPlugin Pro > Models & Repairs

Before you set your margins in Dynamic Pricing, it’s essential to consider how you want to structure your pricing. Answering the following questions will help you determine the best approach:

  1. Uniform Margins Within the Same Category:

    • Question: Do you have the same margin for every model within a specific category, such as all smartphone screen repairs?

    • If Yes: I recommend using the Default Repairs option. This allows you to set a single margin that will apply to all models within that category, simplifying your pricing strategy.

    • If No: You’ll need to set individual margins for each model within the category, giving you more control but requiring more detailed setup. However, remember that if most models within the category are similar, it’s often more efficient to set a general margin using Default Repairs first. You can then fine-tune individual models afterward, ensuring you maintain consistency while still having the flexibility to adjust as needed.

  2. Offering Different Quality Levels:

    • Question: Do you offer all the available qualities, such as Official, Pulled, Refurbished, and Compatible parts?

    • If Yes: Make sure to download these qualities from the Download Page and add them to your Default Repairs. This will allow you to manage pricing across different quality levels.

    • If No: You can choose to download only the qualities you offer and delete the ones you don't, ensuring your pricing is only based on the products you actually sell.

Go to: RepairPlugin Pro > Download > Download Repairs

6. Select Repair Attributes:

Go to Default Repairs and select the Repair Attributes you want to use. Different qualities of parts are linked through these attributes. If you deactivate a quality like "refurbished", parts of that quality from suppliers won't be synced. For repairs with Repair Attributes, ensure at least one attribute is active for syncing.

7. Customize Attribute Names and Descriptions:

Attributes are pre-named based on the product quality stated by suppliers. However, you can edit these names and descriptions as they are what your customers will see. Be cautious with terminology, especially when it comes to branded parts, and make sure to comply with brand guidelines. You can change the text to anything you want.

Important: Remember that each attribute has a unique number in the database, and the product feed is linked to this number. For example, if you change the text "Refurbished" to "Compatible", the system will still connect the refurbished parts from the supplier to this attribute due to the unique number.

Focus on more important tasks

With everything set, your pricing strategy is fully automated, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business while your customers and team members can easily manage their pricing on their own.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to set up every individual margin?
    No, RepairPlugin allows you to set margins in bulk or individually depending on your preference.

  • Which suppliers are connected?
    RepairPlugin is continually working to integrate with various suppliers. For the current list of connected suppliers, please check the Dynamic Pricing section within the plugin settings.

  • How can my supplier apply for integration?
    Currently, there are several suppliers already integrated, but you might want to connect with a new supplier not yet on the list.

    • How to Connect a New Supplier:

      • If your preferred supplier isn’t currently integrated with RepairPlugin, they can apply for integration. Simply have the supplier contact our support team, and we’ll guide them through the process.

      • Timeframe for Integration: Once a supplier begins the integration process, it typically takes about two weeks to fully launch their integration. This includes setting up the connection, testing, and ensuring that all SKUs and pricing data are accurately linked.

    • Why Supplier Integration is Important:

      • By integrating with more suppliers, you can ensure that you have access to the widest range of products and pricing options, which allows for more accurate and competitive pricing on your site.

  • Why do I need a cronjob?
    A cronjob is essential to automate the process of updating prices. It schedules tasks to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals and ensures that your prices are always up-to-date without manual intervention.

  • Can I change the names of connected repairs?

    Yes, you can change the names of connected repairs since RepairPlugin uses unique table information for connection, and not the names.

  • Why is this feature an add-on?

    The Dynamic Pricing feature is an add-on due to the complex integration and constant monitoring it requires with suppliers’ product feeds, and the optimization necessary for RepairPlugin to read and connect it to all repairs.

  • How can I troubleshoot errors?
    If you encounter any issues or need help with the Dynamic Pricing feature, you can easily access support through our Intercom support chat widget.

    • How to Get Help:

      • Locate the Intercom support chat widget in the bottom left corner of your screen.

      • Click on the widget to open a chat and connect with our support team. They are ready to assist you with any questions or troubleshooting needs.

    • Common Troubleshooting Steps:

      • Check Error Logs: If something isn’t working as expected, start by checking the error logs within the Dynamic Pricing settings. This can help you identify any issues with integration or updates.

      • Review the Latest Log Entries:

        • Look for the most recent log entries. These should include timestamps that indicate when the last synchronization occurred.

        • Check the details to see if the synchronization was successful. The logs should show information such as which suppliers were updated and if any issues were encountered.

      • Restart Synchronization: Sometimes, re-syncing the data can resolve minor issues. You can do this manually from the Dynamic Pricing settings.

      • Review Supplier Connections: Ensure that all your suppliers are properly connected and that their data feeds are up-to-date.

    Our support team is available to help you resolve any issues quickly, ensuring that your Dynamic Pricing feature works smoothly and efficiently.

  • Why is this feature an add-on?
    The Dynamic Pricing feature is an add-on because it requires complex integration and constant monitoring of suppliers' product feeds. Additionally, the add-on ensures optimization for RepairPlugin to accurately read and connect the data to all repairs. As this involves additional resources, development, and maintenance, it's provided as an add-on instead of being included in the basic functionality of the plugin. This allows users to opt for it if they need the advanced features it provides.

  • Can i use Dynamic Pricing add-on without RepairPlugin?
    No, you cannot use the Dynamic Pricing add-on without RepairPlugin. The add-on is designed to work specifically with RepairPlugin and it integrates and extends the features of the main plugin. Therefore, it's essential to have an active RepairPlugin Pro license in order to use the Dynamic Pricing add-on.

  • What happens if I stop using Dynamic Pricing?
    If you disable Dynamic Pricing, prices on your website will no longer sync and will revert to the fallback prices, which are the standard prices visible without Dynamic Pricing activated.

  • What if a model or repair is not connected but a supplier does have a valid SKU in stock?
    If you find that a particular model or repair isn’t connected to a supplier, but the supplier does have a valid SKU in stock, don’t worry! We can easily add these connections for you.

    • No Additional Costs:

      • There are no costs involved in connecting a new model or repair to a supplier. This service is included as part of your Dynamic Pricing add-on, ensuring you always have access to the latest parts and pricing data.

    • Quick Turnaround:

      • Simply send us the SKU and supplier details through the Intercom support chat widget in the bottom right corner of your screen.

      • We’ll ensure that the connection is made within one business day. This means your pricing will be updated quickly, allowing you to continue offering accurate prices to your customers.

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