All models in our database are fully furnished with an image, model name, release date, type number and factory colors.
Please follow the steps below if you still want to edit or add models.
Edit Models
Go to: RepairPlugin Pro > Models & Repairs
Step 1
Find the desired device through the following ways:
Type model name or type number in the search bar (TIP)
Use the filter to filter out the brand or type
Browse the list
Step 2
Click Model.
Adjust the desired settings.
If you want to add a new color, click Add color.
Click Update model to save.
If you want to add a new model, click Add new model at the top of the page.
Edit Repairs
Go to: RepairPlugin Pro > Models & Repairs
Step 1
Find the right device through the following ways:
Type the model name or code in the search bar. (TIP)
Use the filter to filter out the brand or type.
Scroll through the list.
Step 2
Click Repairs. (1)
Fill in the desired prices. You can immediately proceed to the next price by pressing TAB after entering the price.
If you want to disable a repair, you can do so via the blue slider on the left. (2)
You can add a sub-repair, such as original or OEM, via the blue plus button (3) on the right.
If you want to move repairs, you can do so via the arrows (4) on the left side.
If you want to add a new repair, you can do so via the Add repair button at the bottom of the repair list.
Click Update repair at the bottom of the repair list.
The shortcode button (5) can be used later to create Model shortcodes.